43 Adam Street
Tel: 077172842
Email: school@gmail.com

Tuesday 29th June

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing on behalf of the students at Casa Nostra Secondary School to tell you about our school campaign. The council wants to close our school and send all the students to three different schools in the area. Our school has very good exam results and the students are happy here, we want to keep it open. 

We have started a campaign to keep the school open. We are organizing a fundraising concert at the school next week. Tickets are free, but we will ask for donations. We will use the money to pay for posters to explain our situations. 

In order to publicize our campaign, we would be very grateful if your newspaper could write an article about the concert. The concert starts at 6pm on 20th July. Please contact me on the number or email adress given above to discuss further details. 

Thank you very much for your time

Yours faithfully,

Sergi Vilar

 Resultat d'imatges de casa nostra escola